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dealcanvey 6:01 Wed Feb 13
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
he dont play for the top 6 so he wont get called up.

Far Cough 5:58 Wed Feb 13
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
What's the excitement, Vexed reckons he ain't all that?

diehardhammer 5:58 Wed Feb 13
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
diehardhammer 4:41 Mon Jan 14

told you the news last month haha

excellent news - now for southgate to slot him in ready for the euros next year

paulon 5:52 Wed Feb 13
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Yes DECLAN son

Buster 5:48 Wed Feb 13
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Just confirmed his allegiance to ENGLAND.

JAC 9:13 Thu Feb 7
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Noble was average at best...possible MOM...you obviously taking the piss....

OneAll 7:26 Wed Feb 6
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
All the three midfielders held the line and played class , how you can say any of them was poor is beyond me

arsene york-hunt 2:13 Wed Feb 6
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Yi....sorry spurs fans impressed with him.


Hammer and Pickle 6:55 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
He's just a squad player, isn't he Rain Man.

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 6:51 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
jack flash 6:33 Tue Feb 5

' unlike Snodgrass who put in plenty of effort but nearly every one of his passes found an opponent'

Is that the same Robert Snodgrass whose pass completion rate of 83% was the highest of any West Ham player last night?


ChillTheKeel 6:42 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Are you going to tell me he didn't give the ball away once as well, spackhead?

boltkunt 6:38 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
You're about as insightful on football as you are politics, angry man.

Clueless, as usual.

ChillTheKeel 6:37 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
he didn't send any passes astray


Fucking hell, When he's had a good game I'll say so, but the shit his arse rimmers come out with is beyond laughable.

jack flash 6:33 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
I thought Noble was superb last night & a contender for MoTM
No idea what match some of you lot were watching but after we went a goal down to a seriously incorrect assistants decision, many sides would have buckled, particularly after our last 3 awful displays
It was Noble that inspired the fight back
Unusually, for him at least, he didn't send any passes astray, unlike Snodgrass who put in plenty of effort but nearly every one of his passes found an opponent

claretandbluedagger 6:23 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Nice to see the anti-Noble brigade out in force again. They won't be happy until they've spent at least four hours a day slagging him off for no particular reason. Irons.

ChillTheKeel 4:55 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Anyone who thought Mr Geritatic had a good game should watch it again. Bar one pass he was beyond embarrassing, to the point I actually felt sorry for him.

I can't wait for Rice to have someone decent to play alongside.

boltkunt 4:52 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Not sure which game you were watching, he alongside Rice broke the play, made some nice passes and excellent tackles.

Agreed he looked fucked at the end, he can barely last 90 mins now. Obiang is a decent replacement after about an hour or so.

ChillTheKeel 4:46 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
1964 3:01

Careful, you'll upset the robot-sheep.

Enoch Nutter 3:28 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Mr Bolt, I rearly dig him out but Noble was not at his best last night, in fact I wondered if he was ill. Slower than usual (I know!) and lacking a lot of his bite. He looked knackered to be fair.

boltkunt 3:20 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
64 - Noble was also excellent last night?

SurfaceAgentX2Zero 3:02 Tue Feb 5
Re: Declan Rice signs new long-term contract
Lily Hammer 1:18 Tue Feb 5

'Surfing' was excellent imagery. I would have left it in.

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